
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Weekly Menu Printables

In a lot of ways I am a big on planning. And meal planning seems to be a big one for a lot of people...except me. That could be because it feels like a lot of effort to think that out to me, or it could be because I am currently still living in a dorm (last semester of college!) and don't exactly have a kitchen to use for planned meals. I think the latter is the real issue.
I do see the benefits of planning out weekly menus though, grocery shopping for one should be much easier because you will know exactly what you need for each day of the week. No more running out at the last second to get an ingredient for something you really want to make. So in honor of my future plans to make weekly menus I have gathered up some free printables of weekly menus:
Olli Bird:
Shown is just one of Olli Bird's two great prints based on cookware.

Artsy-Fartsy Mama:
Artsy-Fartsy Mama offers the printable below in a variety of colors. You could have a different color for every week of the month and if you are like me that's exciting (because color coding is excellent).

The Project Girl:
Below is one of two great printables. Both have the added element of a shopping list that is separated out into food groups to make your weekly shopping even easier!

Tip Junkie:
I love the printables over at Tip Junkie and this one is no exception. Another example with separated colors! Yay color coding!

Hopefully one or more of these seems like a good fit for you. As an additional option/tip is to pick one you like a lot, print it out and put it in a glass frame. That way you can write on it with a dry erase marker and not print out a separate list each week. Super easy and eco-friendly!

Stay Lovely,

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